4-6 August, 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Venue : Roppongi Hills (downtown Tokyo)
Congress Programme
Monday, August 4, 2003
08:45 Registration
09:15 Inauguration
10:00 Session I: Bioethical Issues of IPRs in Genetics
(approx. 15 min.)
Prof. William Cornish (Chair)
Prof. Brad Sherman
Controlling Biological Subject Matter: Genetic Use Restriction Technologies and Intellectual Property [doc]
Dr. Margaret Llewelyn
Bioethical Implications of Intellectual Property Rights on Public Healthcare: The UK as Case Study [doc]
Dr. Graeme Laurie
Patenting Stem Cells of Human Origin [doc, ppt]
Prof. Paul Torremans
Private International Law Aspects of IPRs in Genetics-bioethics, public policy and mandatory rules [doc]
11.30 Tea
11.45 Session II : Compulsory Licensing of Patented Inventions : TRIPS context
(approx. 15 minutes)
Prof. Joseph Straus (Chair)
Prof. Andries van der Merwe
Exceptions to exclusive rights, anti-competitive practices, protection beyond the claims and pharmaceutical patents in the South African context [doc]
Prof. Martin J. Adelman
Compulsory Licensing of Drugs: TRIPS Context [doc]
Prof. Mariano Genovesi
Compulsory Licences after Doha Declaration on TRIPS Agreement and Public Health [doc, pdf]
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Session III : Folklore Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing
(approx. 20 minutes)
Prof. Martin J.Adelman (Chair)
Prof. Kingsley Ampofo
Prof. Brad Sherman
Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property: An Australian Case study [doc]
Mr. Pushpendra Rai
Overview of Activities and Outcomes of the Intergovernmental Committee ? Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Fifth Session [ppt]
Prof. Natalie Stoianoff
Biological Resources and Benefit Sharing – the intersection between Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property [ppt]
Prof. Robert Kneller
Ownership of genetic materials, and benefits sharing [ppt]
15.30 Tea
16.00 Session III (continues)
17.00 Session ends
Tuesday, August 5, 2003
09:30 Session IV :Trademarks, Management of Brand Names and Geographical indications : Recent Development
(approx. 20 minutes)
Prof. Annette Kur (Chair)
Dr. Jennifer Davis
A European Constitution for IPRs? Competition, Trade Marks and Culturally Significant Signs [doc]
Prof. Frank Gotzen
Recent case law of the Court of Justice on the Definition of Trademarks in the European Union [doc, ppt]
Mr. Makoto Endo
New Japanese Rules regarding Parallel Import of Trademarked Goods [ppt]
Prof. Sachiko Shudo
The Distinctiveness of Trademarks in a Global Context [ppt]
11:30 Tea
11:45 Session V : Industrial Design Law
(approx. 15 minutes)
Prof. Gustavo Ghidini (Chair)
Prof. William Fryer
Design Registration and Patent Statistics: A National and Global Analysis [doc, ppt]
Prof. Annette Kur
Industrial Design protection in Europe – Directive and Community Design [doc]
Prof. Junji Annen
Some Current Issues of Japan’s Industrial Design Law [doc]
Dr. Uma Suthersanen
Design Law : Creativity and Competition [doc]
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Session VI : Protection and Enforcement of Copyright in Music and Publishing Industry
(approx. 20 minutes)
Prof. Mihály Ficsor (Chair)
Prof. Teruo Doi
Individual and Collective Enforcement of Copyright and Related Rights —-Law and Practice in Japan—- [doc]
Prof. Naoki Koizumi
DRM v. Copyright- Need for Inter/Intra Copyright Balancing [doc,]
Prof. Charlotte Waelde
The Scope of Copyright [doc, ppt]
Prof. Willem Grosheide
The Missing Link – Repairing the Chain from Industry to Cutstomer – the online use of music and text
Prof. Ng-Loy Wee Loon
Defence of Public Interest in Copyright Law: Recent Developments in Singapore
15.30 Tea
16.00 Session VI (continues)
17.00 Session ends
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
09:00 Session VII : Country Reports – Enforcement and Non-enforcement of TRIPS Agreement
(approx. 15 minutes)
Prof. Bojan Pretnar (Chair)
Prof. Horacio Rangel-ORTIZ
Enforcement of TRIPS and the Dispute Settelement Mechanism of the WTO [doc, ppt]
Mr. M.P.Bhatnagar
Country Report: TRIPS Implementation in India [doc, ppt]
Prof. Nahoko Ono
Judicial Reform for Effective Patent Enforcement in Japan [ppt]
10:30 Tea
10:45 Session VIII : Teaching & Research in IPRs
(approx. 15 minutes)
Prof. Ysolde Gendreau (Chair)
Prof. Toshiko Takenaka
Intellectual Property Education at the University of Washington
Prof. Alison Firth
Importance and Difficulty of Procedural Law in Comparative IP teaching
Prof. Joseph Straus
Munich Intellectual Property Law Center [ppt]
Prof. Kenichiro Senoh
IP Business School as a Frontier of Advanced Professional Education: Its Domain, Concepts, and Methodologies [ppt]
12.00 General Body Meeting
13:00 Lunch