2006-09-04 | Annual congress – Parma (Italy)

Annual congress Parma (Italy)

Program folder, page 1 and page 2 [.pdf]

4 September 2006

8.00 – 9.00 Registration

9.00 – 9.10 Welcome salutations:

Representatives of Public Institutions
Gustavo Ghidini, President of ATRIP

9.10 – 9.30 Keynote speech:

J. Drexl,
University of Munich,
Director at the Max-Planck- Institute, Munich, Germany
IPRs as constituent elements of the market order

9.30 – 12.30 Panel on Patents

Chair: J. Brinkhof,
Utrecht University, Netherlands


R. Peritz,
New York Law School, USA
Patents and Competition: Toward a Knowledge Theory of Progress

D. Chisum,
University of Santa Clara, USA
Lost in Traslation: The Legal Impact of Patent Translation Errors on Claim Scope; Comparing U.S., European and Japanese Law

V. Di Cataldo, E. Arezzo,
University of Catania;
LUISS University, Rome, Italy
Scope of the patent and uses of the product

Coffee break

R. Oesch, J. Vesala,
University of Helsinki, Finland
Patent licensing as a means to expand economic power. Inter-partes and market profiles

H. Ullrich,
European University
Institute, Florence, Italy
Patent pooling and market power

J.H. Reichman,
Duke University, USA
Compulsory Patent Licensing in the U.S.

M. Erfani,
University of Tehran, Iran
Biotechnology Patents in Recent Iranian Law

12.30 – 13.00 Debate

13.00 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 17.30 Panel on Trademarks and denominations of origin

Chair: A. Kur, Max-Planck-Institut, Munich; Stockholm University, Sweden

L. Bently,
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
From communication to things: historical reflections on how trademarks became property

A. Bercovitz,
University of Madrid, Spain,
Community trade-mark regulation: incentives to the extension of market power

J. Davis,
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Fame and market power: the protection of trade marks with a reputation in the European Union

P. Spada,
La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Trade Mark Protection Legitimacy under Italian Constitution

Coffee break

M. Blakeney,
Queen Mary Intellectual Property
Research Institute, London, UK
Protecting Traditional Knowledge Through Geographical indications

C. Galli, V. Falce,
University of Brescia and LUISS University, Rome, Italy
Denominations of origin and standard setting: Antitrust issues

J. A. Gomez Segade,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Appelations of origin: A ‘geo-competitive’ issue?

17.30 – 18.00 Debate

20.30 Dinner at the Verdi’s Haunt “CoraleVerdi”
5 September 2006

9.00 – 13.30 Panel on Copyright

Chair: M. Fabiani,
President, ALAI Italy,
Editor of “Il Diritto d’Autore”, Rome


S. Anderman,
University of Essex, UK
Application of art. 82 to recent developments in the information technologies and interactive multimedia field

P. Auteri,
University of Pavia, Italy
Copyright and dominant position

C. Mc Manis,
Washington University, St. Louis, USA
“Shrink”- and “Clickwrapped” licenses and DRMs: privatizing access to culture and information?

A. Drassinower,
University of Toronto, Canada
Originality in Canadian Copyright

Coffee break

C. Le Stanc,
University of Montpellier, France
Computer programs between copyright and patent paradigms: legal and economic implications

W. Grosheide, D. Bosscher,
Utrecht University
Proprietary and Open Source models in software development and distribution

E. Derclaye,
University of Nottingham, UK
IPR on information and market power: comparing the EU database right with the situation in the United States

J. Ginsburg,
Columbia University, New York, USA
P2P technologies and liability for copyright infringement for third parties’ acts

M. Ricolfi,
University of Turin, Italy,
Collective copyright management in the digital age

13.30 – 14.00 Debate

14.00 – 15.15 Lunch

15.15 – 16.15 Special Session: the “IP in Transition Research Programme”


M. Levin, Stockholm University;
A. Kur, Max-Planck-Institut, Munich; Stockholm University
Towards more balanced, user-friendly paradigms in IP law. A project reform of TRIPS

TRIPS AMENDMENTS – background and explanations

16.30 – 17.00 Debate on Special Session

17.30 Visit to Parma old city centre
20.00 Departure by bus from hotels
20.30 Gala dinner at Romani Restaurant in Vicomero di Torrile, Parma
6 September 2006

9.30 – 13.00 Panel on IP-linked Relations Between Developed and Developing Countries

Chair: F. Curchod,
University of Strasbourg, France


J. L. Goutal, Pierre Mendès
France University, Grenoble, France, Co-director of CUERPI,
The historical relationship between IP protection and economic development

M. Adelman, George Washington University Law School, Washington D.C., USA;
J.Straus, Munich Intellectual Property Law Center, Max-Planck-Institut, Universities of Munich, Ljubljana, George Washington
TRIPS’ Benefits for Developing Countries: assessing a balance

P. Rai, Acting Director, Intellectual Property and Economic Development Division, WIPO
WIPO’s Development Agenda and its progress

Coffee Break

G. Dutfield, Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, London
North / South: An asymmetric Global Market? [doc]

A. H. Rangel Ortiz, National University of Mexico (UNAM) and Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
The Latin American Experience in U.S. negotiated bilateral agreements (FTAs) on IPRs [ppt]

B. Remiche, ULC, Louvain, Belgium Pharmaceutical patents and Developing
Countries’ access to essential drugs: the terms of the problem

H. Xue, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing, China
China and WTO: An Update

13.00 – 13.30 Debate

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch

15.00 – 16.45 National / Regional Reports

Chair: Y. Gendreau,
University of Montreal, Canada


B. Akhlaghi, Akhlaghi and Associates, Tehran;
S. Habiba, University of Tehran
Recent developments in Iranian law and jurisprudence [doc]

L. Jakl, University of Public administration and international relations, Prague, Czechoslovakia
Enforcement of IPRs in the East European states

J. Kiggundu, University of Botswana
Development of modern copyright laws in the SADC Region: The case of Botswana [doc]

A. R. Al Shaikh, University of United Arab Emirates, UAE
Implications of TRIPS Agreement on IP Legislations in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

H. Xue, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), Beijing
Recent relevant developments in Chinese IP jurisprudence

N. Mezghani, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Tunis, Tunisia
The protection of folklore and traditional knowledge in the African region [doc]

Coffee break

17.00 – 19.00 Panel on IP teaching in non-Western Industrial Countries; Distance Learning

Chair: J. Rosèn,
Stockholm University, Sweden


S. Hsu, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing,
IP teaching methods in China

K. Tamai & disciple, University of Tokyo, Japan
IP teaching methods in Japan

I. Zenin, Moscow State Lomonossov University, Russia
IP teaching in Russia and other CIS Countries [doc]

LT Khaw, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
IP teaching in Malaysia

R. Xalabarder, UOC-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
On-line-teaching and Copyright: any hopes for an EU harmonized playground? [doc, ppt]

G. Hang, Deputy Dean and Head of the Policy Development Program, WIPO;
A. Tedla, Head, Distance Learning Section, WIPO
WIPO’s Distance Learning Programmes: An Update

19.00 Conclusions

19.15 – 19.45 Assembly

Free dinner in suggested and conventioned restaurants


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