2010-05-23 | The 2010 ATRIP Congress – Stockholm

Individualism and Collectiveness in Intellectual Property Law

The Stockholm programme will work under a chapeau of Individualism and Collectiveness in Intellectual Property Law. This heading may allow us to embrace fundamental, eternal and yet very contemporary elements in IP Law that we deal with in our teaching and research. The strain gauge will be put on classic values embedded in the protection of human efforts and the creativeness of individuals, at the same time deploying the intrinsic phenomena of our times that lie in the enhancement of individual creativeness in a collective setting as well as the tendencies to build national, regional or global monopolies based on IP Rights. The respect for original ownership, the occasional need for collective management of IP Rights, the idiosyncrasies of co-ownership of rights and the ever present tension to be found in encounters between exploitation of IP Rights and Competition Law will offer an arena for the scientific programme of the 2010 ATRIP Congress.

The 2010 Congress will be organised in cooperation with the Law Faculty of Stockholm University and with the support of WIPO, the European Patent Office (EPO), the city of Stockholm and a few other, very dedicated, mainly local sponsors. The congress venue, Aula Magna, is situated at the Stockholm University campus, a few underground stations away from the very centre of the city.

Stockholm in the month of May will hopefully offer you a very hospitable and by all means agreeable environment. As May is part of the peak season for tourism and professional conferences, it is urgently recommended that you make your hotel reservation as early as possible.

I am looking forward very much to welcoming you in Stockholm!

Jan Rosén
ATRIP President

If you are an ATRIP member, you should have received an invitation by email. If not, please advise us of your current email address. Mail to Dagmar Liesegang.

For information about ATRIP, please visit our website at www.atrip.org.

Draft Programme
23 May, Sunday
15:00-19:00 Registration at Stockholm University, Aula Magna

Executive Committee meeting
19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception at Stockholm University,
Aula Magna
24 May, Monday
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:30 Welcoming addresses
ATRIP President
Magnus Graner, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice
Marcelo Di Pietro Peralta, Senior Advisor, WIPO

1st day

Scientific programme
Morning sessions
IP Rights and Competition Law
Chair Gunnar Karnell
Topic Individual, multiple and collective ownership – which impact on competition?
Main speaker Reto Hilty
Panellists Ole-Andreas Rognstad, Alain Strowel

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Chair François Curchod
Topic Necessity to collectivize Copyright – and dangers thereof
Main speaker Jens Schovsbo (ATRIP May 2010 Schovsbo.ppt)
Panellists Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Silke von Lewinski

Chair Annette Kur
Topic Private Reward and Public Benefit – an ascertainable relationship?
Main speaker Rudolph Peritz
Panellists Steven Anderman, Gustavo Ghidini, Andrea Wechsler

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

Afternoon Sessions Individualism and Collectiveness in Copyright
Chair Paul Torremans
Topic 1 Ownership of Copyright and Investment Protection Rights in Teams and Networks – Need for New Rules?
Main speaker Matthias Leistner (ATRIP_Stockholm_Leistner_2010.pdf)
Panellists Sylvie Nèrisson, Peter Yu, Adejoke Oyewunmi

Topic 2 The Google Settlement Revised – National and global impact
Main speaker John Cross
Panellists Hong Xue, Willem Grosheide, Steven A. Hetcher

15:45-16:15 Coffee break

Chair Ysolde Gendreau
Topic 3 Collaborations in authorship and creativity
Main speaker Ruth Okediji
Panellists Seth Ericson, Severine Dusollier

17:00-17:30 Presentation of prize-winning paper – ATRIP Essay Competition 2009
Chair and Laudator Jan Rosén
Speaker (prize winner) Daryl Lim

19:00-22:00 Reception and buffé at the Stockholm City Hall

25 May, Tuesday

2nd day

Scientific programme
Morning sessions Individuallism and Collectiveness in Patents

09:00-10:00 Part I: Patents
Chair José A. Gòmez Segade
Topic 1 Collective efforts in patent law
Main speaker Geertrui van Overwalle
Panellists Rochelle Dreyfuss, Niklas Bruun

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

Topic 2 Informal Innovation
Main speaker Shamnad Basheer
Panellists Margo Bagley, Nari Lee


Christian Le Stanc
Topic 3 Open Research Environment – Challenges of Microbial Research
Main speakers Jerome Reichman
Panellists Bengt Domeij, Lars Pehrson

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

Afternoon Sessions Collectiveness in Trade Mark Rights

Chair Graeme Dinwoodie
Topic 1 Collective ownership of Trade Marks
Main speaker David Llewelyn
Panellists Alexander Peukert, Irene Calboli

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

Topic 2 Geographic Indications and Traditional Symbols
Main speaker Susy Frankel
Panellists Daphne Zografos, Justin Hughes, Margaret Chon

19:30-22:30 Waterways tour and dinner on board steamer
MS Gustafsberg VII

26 May, Wednesday
3rd day

Scientific programme
09:00-10:00 Teaching methods and other University matters of significance
Chair Alberto Musso
Speakers Noël Campling
The EPO Model Curricula
Sanna Wolk
Virtual teachers – a copyright paradox?

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:30 Country reports/General Assembly
Chair Tana Pistorius
Speakers Behrooz Akhlaghi, Iran
Laura Sofia Gomez Madrigal, Mexico
Olga Alicia Krauss Torres, Mexico
T. Vidya Kumari, India
Lars S. Smith, USA
Sa Yu, China

Discussions/General Assembly

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

16:00 Tour to Kräftriket/Frescati trädgårdar/Frescati Gardens

Chairs, Speakers and Panellists
Adejoke Oyewunmi
Alain Strowel
Alberto Musso
Alexander Peukert
Andrea Wechsler
Annette Kur
Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt
Behroos Akhlaghi
Bengt Domeij
Christian Le Stanc
Daphne Zografos
Daryl Lim
David Llewelyn
Francois Curchod
Geertrui van Overwalle
Graeme Dinwoodie
Gunnar Karnell
Gustavo Ghidini
Hong Xue
Irene Calboli
Jan Rosén
Jens Schovsbo
Jerome Reichman
John Cross
José Antonio Gomez Segade
Justin Hughes
Lars Pehrson
Lars Smith
Laura Sofia Gomez Madrigal
Marcelo Di Pietro Peralta
Margaret Chon
Margo Bagley
Matthias Leistner
Nari Lee
Niklas Bruun
Noël Campling
Ole Andreas Rognstad
Paul Torremans
Peter Yu
Reto Hilty
Rochelle Dreyfuss
Rudolph Peritz
Ruth Okediji
Sanna Wolk
Seth Ericson
Severine Dusollier
Shamnad Basheer
Silke von Lewinski
Steven A. Hetcher
Steven Anderman
Susy Frankel
Sylvie Nerisson
Tana Pistorius
Willem Grosheide
Ysolde Gendreau


Questions regarding scientific programme etc.

Stockholm University
Department of Law
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Professor Jan Rosén
Phone: +46 (0)8-16 36 46
E-mail address: jan.rosen@juridicum.su.se

Questions regarding registration and payment

Stockholm University
Conference Services
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

E-mail address: atrip.reg@konf.su.se

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