2012-07-29 | The ATRIP 2012 Congress – Chicago

Programme and Agenda

Dates: 29 July – 1 August 2012   |  Host: IIT Chicago Kent College of Law

PresidentProf. Graeme Dinwoodie

Programme: Permalink

Focus: ‘Intellectual Property: Methods and Perspectives’

Welcome from ATRIP President

Prof. Graeme Dinwoodie

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Chicago is known as the home of law and economics, a methodology that has loomed larger in intellectual property law scholarship (and policymaking) in recent years. However, the diversity of methods used and perspectives displayed in scholarship is now quite vast. This Congress will explore examples of a variety of methods and perspective, including some that are long-standing (e.g., historical analysis or political economy) and some that are more recent (empirical analysis or international relations). In each of eight sessions, one speaker will discuss the method or perspective in question, to be followed by several other presentations discussing or deploying the method.

Chicago-Kent College of Law will host the 2012 Congress at its campus in the heart of downtown Chicago. The comfortable weather and abundance of attractions make the summer months in Chicago the peak season for tourism and professional conferences. It is therefore recommended that you make your hotel reservation as early as possible.

I very much look forward to welcoming you in Chicago.

Graeme Dinwoodie
ATRIP President


Read the Full Programme

Day 1,

Monday 30 July

Session 1. Law and Economics

Chair: Jens Schovsbo (Copenhagen)

Economic Tools in Intellectual Property Analysis: An Overview

Stacey Dogan (Boston University)

Myths, Economics and Legal Analysis

Beth Webster (Melbourne)

Trade Marks and Quality Assurance

Andrew Griffiths (Manchester)

Turning Belief into Science? The Law and Economics Analysis of Intellectual Property Rights

Andreas Rahmatian (Glasgow)

The Limits of Analysis: Law and Economics of Copyright in the Digital Age

Niva Elkin-Koren (Haifa)

Approaching the Innovation Paradigm from the Perspective of the Market: Preserving Incentive to Innovate by Protecting Freedom to Compete

Mor Bakhoum (Max Planck, Munich)

The Applicability of Diminishing Return’s Law to the Patent System

Yasser Gadallah (Helwan University, Cairo)

Session 2. Political Science

Chair: Jan Rosen (Stockholm)

Patent Politics in the United States

John Thomas (Georgetown)

Exclusion and Access in Copyright Law: Unbalanced Features of the Infosoc Directive

Gustavo Ghidini (Milan)

Understanding Intellectual Property Regimes

Niklas Bruun (Helsinki)

IP Law and Consumer/User Protection in the Knowledge Economy

Andrea Stazi (European University of Rome)

Session 3. Law and History

Chair: Christian Le Stanc (Montpellier)

What Is ‘The History of Intellectual Property’?

Lionel Bently (Cambridge)

Norms of Communication and Norms of Transaction: What Can We Learn from the History of Copyright?

Martin Kretchmer (Bournemouth)

Classical Credentials for Copyright — Roman Law in Copyright Treatises

Barbara Lauriat (Kings College London)

Copyright at Common Law before 1710 and Its Modern Implications

Tomás Gómez-Arostegui(Lewis & Clark)

Session 4. Law and Science

Chair: Annette Kur (Max Planck, Munich)

Invention and the Law of Invention: Immiscible Domains?

Rochelle Dreyfuss (New York University)

When Copyright Law and Science Collide: Empowering Digitally Integrated Research Methods on a Global Scale

Jerry Reichman (Duke)

Intellectual Property’s Black Box

Dan Burk (UC Irvine)

Prior Art Collaboration: Re-balancing Public and Patent Through Peer Participation

Margaret Ann Wilkinson (University of Western Ontario)

Essay competition presentation

Essay Prize Winner, Carl Mair, Leiden University
“Openness, Intellectual Property and Standardization in the European ICT Sector”

Chair: Graeme Dinwoodie, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, UK

Evening event: Welcome Dinner and Reception (Chicago Cultural Center).

Day 2,

Tuesday 31 July

Session 5. International Relations/Law and Development

Chair: Susy Frankel (Victoria University, Wellington)

Copyright Islands and the Future of International Copyright

Ruth Okediji (Minnesota)

Intellectual Property and International Relations

Peter Yu (Drake)

PPPs in Global IP: Public-Private Partnerships in Global Intellectual Property”

Margaret Chon (Seattle)

What Can Intellectual Property Law Learn from Happiness Research?

Estelle Derclaye (Nottingham)

Intellectual Property and the Philosophy of Sustainable Development

Maciej Barczewski (Gdansk)

IP International Relations at the Intersection of the Development Question: Some Reflections on Developing Africa

Adebambo Adewopo (Nigerian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies)

Session 6A. Empirical Analysis and Social Science

Chair: Alexander Peukert (Frankfurt)

Systematic Content Analysis and Its Discontents

Barton Beebe (New York University)

How Do Judges Decide Intellectual Property Cases?

Dirk Visser (Leiden)

Inner and Outer Limits of Patent Protection: A Case Study Research Method v. Systematic Contents Analysis

Nari Lee (Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki)

Studying Patent Misuse: A Measure of Equity

Darryl Lim (John Marshall)

Empirical Studies of Patent Litigation: Observational Data, Experiments, and Beyond

David Schwartz (Chicago-Kent)

Session 6B. Behavioural Science

Chair: Alexander Peukert (Frankfurt)

Behavioural Science and IP: Possibilities, Challenges & Limits

Mathias Leistner (Bonn)

Creativity Tasks in the Lab

Stefan Bechtold (Zurich)

Reasonable Copyright

Irina Manta (Hofstra)

Session 7. Law & Humanities (Literature/Cultural Analysis/Philosophy

Chair: Alberto Musso (Bologna)

The Social Function of Intellectual Property Rights, Or How Ethics Can Influence the Shape and Use of IP Law

Christophe Geiger (Strasbourg)

A Cultural Studies Approach to Copyright Fair Use Doctrine: Transcoding and Transformation

David Tan (National University of Singapore)

Feminist Conceptions of the Creative Self: Some Lessons for Copyright Law

Carys Craig (Osgoode Hall)

Copyright and Virtue

David Lametti (McGill)

Dialogical Transactions and Sites of Copyright

Lior Zemer (Herzliya)

Session 8. Comparative and Doctrinal Analysis

Chair: Daniel Gervais, Vanderbilt Law School, USA

Comparative Approaches to Fair Use” [Read background article]

Martin Senftleben (Free University, Amsterdam)

Comparative Methodology in Trademark Law

Irene Calboli (Marquette)

Why Do We Study It in a Comparative Way?

Keita Sato (Chuo)

ISP Liability Regulation and its enforcement in China: From Comparative Perspective

Li Hua (Beijing Normal)

Evening event: Architectural Boat Cruise.

Day 3,

Wednesday 1 August

Session 9. Using Different Methods in Teaching

Chair: Tana Pistorius (University of South Africa)

On-line Teaching at the UOC: Challenges and Opportunities

Raquel Xalabarder Plantada (UOC-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona)

What Marketing Research Can Add to a Trademark Class

Luis Mariano Genovesi (Buenos Aries)
Mark McKenna (Notre Dame)

The WIPO Academy: Face-to-Face Teaching versus Distance Learning — Current Issues and Challenges

Carlotta Graffigna (WIPO Academy)

Session 10. National Reports

Chair: Jose Gomez Segade (University of Santiago de Compostela)


Ysolde Gendreau (University of Montreal)
Hong Xue (Beijing Normal)
Conrad Visser (Univ. of South Africa, Pretoria)
Edouard Treppoz (Lyon)

Session 11. National Policy Drivers

Chair: Reto Hilty (Max Planck, Munich)


Michael Madison (Pittsburgh)
Peter Yu (Drake)
Christoph Antons (Deakin University, Australia)

ATRIP General Assembly

Chair: Graeme Dinwoodie

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