
Why Join ATRIP as a Member?

ATRIP Members enjoy being part of a unique worldwide network of professors and researchers in the various areas of intellectual property law. ATRIP members regularly gather and communicate through the ATRIP Congresses and other events, as well as through correspondence, visits, seminars, symposia, and other types of meetings. Proposals submitted by ATRIP members in response to the Call for Papers for the annual ATRIP Congresses are given priority when selecting speakers and panelists. In addition, ATRIP members enjoy free online access to ATRIP publications and resources through the exclusive Membership Area on the ATRIP website.

How Do I Apply for Membership of ATRIP?

A professor, researcher or PhD student in intellectual property may apply for membership in ATRIP by completing the online membership form and submitting a full CV (resume).

PhD candidates must also submit a letter from a university or similar institution at which they are enrolled confirming their enrolment and that their research topic is in the field of the law of intellectual property. PhD candidates will cease to be members if either (a) the PhD candidacy ceases or (b) upon completion of their degree they do not qualify as a member as a professor or researcher (e.g. a postdoctoral position).

However, those who have completed their PhD and are actively seeking a position as researcher or professor may remain members upon providing, in a timely manner, evidence of relevant activities as the President may request from time to time.

The President will submit completed applications to the Executive Committee for consideration. The President or Treasurer will inform the candidate of the Committee’s decision.

How Do I Maintain My Membership?

To remain an ATRIP member, a professor, researcher or PhD student must pay annual dues (currently set at € 85). Failure to pay these dues for four (4) consecutive years will lead to the automatic termination of membership and removal from the Members list.