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Photo by Mark Tantrum/ October 2017 

General Objective of ATRIP

The general objective of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHING AND RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (ATRIP) shall be to contribute to the advancement of teaching and research in the field of the law of intellectual property. The Association pursues only educational and scientific objectives, not lucrative aims.

In respect of teaching, the Association pursues the following objectives:

That more time and attention be devoted by universities and similar institutions to the teaching of the law of intellectual property;
That improved teaching materials and methods be used in the field of the law of intellectual property;
That special attention and resources be devoted by professors, universities and similar institutions to the teaching of the comparative and international, as well as the social and economic, aspects of the law of intellectual property;
That teachers and candidates aspiring to teaching positions be encouraged and assisted to attain the knowledge needed to teach in the field of the law of intellectual property;
That professors be assisted in their efforts to realise the objectives mentioned above.

And encourage and/or organise:

Contacts among professors by correspondence, visits, seminars, symposia and other meetings,
The compilation, dissemination or exchange of teaching materials, bibliographies and other teaching aids,
The publication of specialised works.

In respect of research, the Association devotes its attention to:

The social and economic facts, interests and needs of the present and the future which are relevant to the development of the law of intellectual property,
The comparative and international aspects of the law of intellectual property,
The history of the law of intellectual property.

And to encourage and/or organise:

Contacts among researchers by correspondence, visits, seminars, symposia and other meetings;
The exchange of information about the initiation of research projects, their progress and results;
Specialized studies and their publication.